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The middleclass work
Спрос | 25.06.2016, 12:25
The middleclass working man either voted for Romney or voted against his class interests. Non-Marxian class descriptors are fluff. Class is a matter of relations to the means of production, not some payscale or “percent” of the popularion average. Lumpen(mostly non-whites at this point), white proles in the midwest and a good chunk of coastal bourgeois types gave Obama the election. The full-spectrum of what’s called the &#lei0;m2dd82class” in this country, along with the red-state bourgeois got shafted this time around by the FreeShitArmy and elite white yankees.
Контактное лицо: Laicee E W | Телефон: jwE1zgrsqxq
Просмотров: 174 | Размещено до: 25.07.2016 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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